Mechanicsville Baptist Church


Our Mission

To authentically produce, through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, transformed and equipped disciples of Jesus Christ who depend on the Holy Spirit to witness to their community and to the world the love of God.

Located in the

Mechanicsville Community of

Darlington, South Carolina

We invite you to come see how we are reaching our community through worship, evangelism, ministry, discipleship, and fellowship. 

Looking for a church home? We would love for you to join us!  Check our calendar below or our Facebook page to see how you can get involved.

We hope to see you soon!

Stay in touch

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on our latest church activities

Find all of our sermons here on our Youtube Channel

Click here to send an e-mail to the church office

Come Visit Us!

2364 Cashua Ferry Road

Darlington, SC 29532

Weekly Church Events


9:30am - Sunday School     

10:15am - Café Connections 

10:30am - Morning Worship

4:00pm - Prayer Closet   

5:00pm - Small Group Bible Study, Koinonia 1825, Children's and Youth activities as well!


7:00am FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH - COOTS - Men's prayer breakfast at Ray Graham's upper room**

6:00pm -ISI <Iron Sharpens Iron>  Men's Bible study at Punk's Cabin**

White Chapel Wednesdays

6:00pm -  Fellowship meal

6:30pm - Mid-week service with something for ALL ages!


7:00am - Men's Manna - Men's prayer group at Billy Weatherford's home**

** for more information on any of these locations, please email or call the church office!

Our Leadership

Frankie Tanner

Pastor Emeritus

Stanley Goodwin

Senior Pastor

Evangelina Dosapati

Children's Director

Contact Us

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